Sunday, July 14, 2013


In this post, I will share with you the secret to my 3rd grade huddle spirit success:
Specifically all of our superhero related ones.

Super Heros, thats what we are
Super Heros, thats what we are
Goooooooo Tigers!

Superman Song (To the tune of the Superman Theme)
3rd grade is the best huddle here!
3rd grade is the best huddle here!
We have spirit,
and you can here it,
because 3rd grade is the best huddle here!

Batman Song (To the tune of the Batman Theme)
3rd grade!

Spiderman Song (To the tune of the Spiderman Theme)
3rd grade,
3rd grade,
Best huddle this camp ever made
are we awesome?
Yes we are!
because 3rd grade is who we are!
Watch out, for 3rd grade!

More Super Hero Week ideas

Super Hero week has officially concluded and it was a success because


They were all so excited, this is a picture of everyone from big event, our afternoon assembly.

I wanted to share with you guys a couple things the third grad counselors did that helped us win the spirit stick. Primarily, We took our theme day and incorporated it into every day of the week keeping the kids pumped and ready to yell.

We made these awesome signs using the Three Doors down logo. Each child also got a badge with the same symbol that they got to decorate. This was definitely a good idea because it got the kids involved and allowed them to personalized them. The picture I used is in the previous post if you are interested in creating your own!

We also created chants which will be on my next post, all of which are to the tune of super hero songs.

Next we had the kids do a relay using super hero capes:

They started in a line at point 1, had to run to point 2 and put the capes. Then they ran back to point 1 to high five their team mates. They returned to point 2 took off the capes and tagged their next teammate in and went to sit down at point 3. The first team with all their members at point three won!

This was a great mix up from our normal relay games. The kids loved playing it and since it was so simple, once we taught it to them, they could play by themselves while we tried to get the other kids involved.

Next week is rumble in the jungle week, and the counselors have already started planning awesome ideas to keep the kids pumped up!

Ready set go!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Superhero Day!

Thursdays at camp are "Themed Thursdays" and this week was super hero week! Our huddle (3rd grade group) tried to incorporate Superhero related stuff into activities throughout the week but Thursday and Friday are the big days. We did a couple things to try to get the kids really pumped up.

First the counselors dressed up! We were the Power puff girls and the Professor. We made sure to tell the kids we were going to be dressing up too. (The kids are more likely to dress up if they know the counselors will be)

Kelsey made name tags for all the characters, which came out absolutely awesome if I do say so myself.

I made tags for the kids, too. I edited the logo for the band 3 Doors Down, because its basically the Superman symbol with a "3" instead of an "S" which is perfect for 3rd grade. We are going to have the kids each decorate their own and attach safety pins to them. Should be a fabulous Thursday!

Ready, set, go!

Firework Water Balloons!

I was so upset when I accidentally deleted all the pictures from this off my iPhone, because it was probably the coolest thing we have ever done at camp for the Fourth of July. At our camp, Fridays are free water day, because we can't go to the lake or the pool. It is the counselors job to come up with ideas that EVERYONE can get excited about. That means new every week and awesome every week. From the brilliant mind of my friend Emily, we decided to create Firework Water Balloons by combining  water balloons with the messiest of all art supplies: glitter. 

And it was awesome.

  • Water balloons
  • Glitter (we used a 8 oz container and had plenty leftover)
  • water balloon hose attachment
  • funnel (or second hose attachment)
  • A Bucket or bin to hold the balloons
  • Hose
NOTE: Many water balloons come in packs of 400-500 with the hose attachments inside. Depending on the size of the group, the investment might be worth it since the hose attachments can be re-used!

  1.  Set up your area near a hose and make sure you are wearing clothes you don't mind getting wet. Fill the bucket about a third of the way with water before you start. This will take some pressure off the balloons. NOTE: Don't fill up the balloons more than 3 hours before you plan on using them. The longer they sit, the more will pop!
  2. Fit the funnel onto and empty, dry water balloon.
  3. Shake glitter into the top, only enough to fill the dry balloon without stretching it. Shake/tap glitter into the balloon so that none remains in the funnel.
  4. Remove the balloon from the funnel and fit the end over the hose attachment. Fill as you would a normal water balloon.
  5. Tie off and place in the bucket until you are ready to use them! NOTE: Sometimes the glitter gets caught in the part of the balloon you want to tie. To fix this hold that part of the balloon down while you tie it. The Glitter will float to the top so that you can tie with no issues!
The kids had an absolute blast with these. We did find it works best with two people, one to put the glitter in the balloon and one to fill it up. Good Luck!

Ready, set, go!

The Beginning

A friend of mine was crafting with me and we were talking about one random thing after another, as most people do and we came to a conclusion. I have:

1) too much random knowledge to keep locked away to myself,
2) so much time spent on Pinterest that I have begun coming up with my own ideas, and
3) really creative friends who also have excessive random knowledge and creativity.

Hence, The birth of this blog. May it serve you well.

Ready, set, go!